Team Bio

Hélène Bellerose
Hélène’s Insights:
More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
Hélène’s Facilitator Story:
I grew up in Northern Ontario and had dreams of becoming a scientist (I still love a good research project). I studied social work and psychology in university but didn’t do this work for long because I wanted to have a bigger impact on the world.
I’ve always been the first to raise my hand to speak in front of a group of people and learned about the world of facilitation through a friend. I discovered a skill I loved and built a career around it. I am the founder of Voilà Coaching where I have been facilitating and coaching for more than 2 decades.
I bring my full self to every engagement and love to teach presentation, storytelling, coaching, feedback, leadership, and communication workshops. I also enjoy 1:1 coaching with leaders to maximize their potential. I’m a proud partner to several industry-leading training and facilitation firms, including Shift.
I’m a certified professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and also certified as a The Leadership Circle 360 Feedback Coach. I facilitate workshops in both English and French.
I bring calm energy and curiosity into my client work and meet my clients where they are to help them step into new leadership growth. I tap into my own experience and knowledge to offer a new perspective, challenge assumptions, create possibilities, and share ideas.
Questions are my best tool! I love that I’m able to help others explore new possibilities and create change.